About Protean
Protean Consulting is a strategic advisory and consultancy, focused on providing guidance to growth/ early stage technology companies where they intersect or target the media, marketing & advertising industry. More specifically, where a company’s purpose is international expansion through market entry and/ or to seek rapid revenue growth.
The name 'protean' means 'tending or able to change frequently or easily'. It represents both the dynamism & impact that data, automation and machine learning, in particular, are having on the media, marketing & advertising industry. And likewise represents the versatile, adaptable etc. nature of the advice & consulting style required to support companies.
Protean Consulting therefore aims to provide it's partners with trusted advice & direction that is likewise both versatile and shared without bias.
Our Approach
- Approach
When any company decides to enter a new market, either product or geographical, it’s important, imperative even, that the information on which they are basing their decisions is reliable, qualified & quantified. While there is always a degree of ambiguity the Protean belief is that this information should be brought about free of bias, through open dialogue and based on proof points to ensure stated goals can be achieved.
Therefore the Protean approach is to provide an open, transparent & ethical approach to business, without pretense. A no-nonsense sounding board if you will.
Our values reflect;
Cooperation & collaboration. QuidPQ represents an introductory 'quid pro quo' style of micro-favours & micro-advice. Consider it a peer-to-peer networking of well-intentioned people
Trust with Accountability
When our partners entrust us to work with you on your business goals we take accountability to deliver through transparent means what's been agreed
Full Tilt
We work with our partners in an all or nothing capacity meaning when we get the green light we are 'full tilt', focused on maximum energy, impact & quality to achieve goals
Our Specialties
Strategy & Development
Go-To-Market, Customer Segmentation, Narrative, Value Proposition, Strategic Marketing, Sales Strategy, Implementation etc.
Business Development
Sales Representation/ Development, New Business Acquisition, Sales Operations, Pipeline Management,
Early Stage Tech/ Media Advisor
Extensive experience in revenue growth, operations & strategy - Global network of connections in media/ marketing/ advertising - Active, hands-on with strong work ethic
A selection of pre-approved & trusted recruitment partners globally
Financial Outsourcing
Partnered with a global leader currently managing an AR portfolio of $500m per annum
A selection of experienced specialists in Programmatic, Data, Mobile etc.